Wednesday 7 October 2015




Who are the Saptarishis? Why they are called so? For how long did they live with us and what they did, in the beginning? How the people responded to their instructions or what happened to the people on the Earth? What were the problems faced by the Rishis and how they finally decided to select the workers? How and why the names of the Saptarishis, change from Manvantara to Manvantara?
The guiding souls, who enjoyed special powers conferred on them by the supreme God Para Brahma, were in their physical bodies, along with us in the first descent, and lived for thousands of years. They followed certain principles and manners in their living, performed meditation, tapas and started guiding the souls, back to Supreme God. They went on advising us to return to Para Brahma Loka, straight away.
And we all, sought some more time to experience this Earth and its attractions.
The cycles of souls reaching the Earth became several. After staying on in their physical bodies for thousands of years, the Saptarishis cast away their bodies and were born at Satya Loka, the last of the seven urdhva lokas. Since they were given the responsibility of guiding the souls back to God, from Satya Loka, they returned to the Earth in their sookshama sharira (astral body) and began to give us instructions to return to Supreme God.  They appeared to several physical beings. Since our coating was less at that time, we were able to hear and see them. As the time progressed and due to repeated births and excess experiences, our coating became thicker, and as a consequence, hearing and seeing the Rishis, was discontinued. The channels of communication with the Rishis, were cut.
Among the people living on the Earth, a few could still see and hear the Saptarishis, due to their less coating on their Manomaya Koshas. Hence, the Saptarishis thought of a Plan and created two batches of souls to act as their workers, each batch containing 1, 44,000 workers. They use one batch for a period of 60 human years.
Through their workers, the Rishis, began to impart knowledge and guidance to return to Para Brahma Loka. A worker of the Rishis, is usually selected, when one is 12 years in age, and the worker’s cycle normally starts at the first year of the 60 year calendar, that is, the year Prabhava and ends at the year-Akshaya.
These workers, after they leave their physical bodies, are sent to an Earth which belongs to the Solar System in the galaxy known as Andromeda. There, they will be assigned fresh work for an almost equal number of years, under the guidance from Brahma’s Manasa Putras-Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara Maharishis. These four Maharishis erase the memories of the Rishi’s works along with the memory of the past births taken by the worker while he was in physical body, on the Earth.
All knowledge should emanate from the Self. The Self gives out light and the light becomes stronger and stronger. One, gradually becomes a Muni, a Rishi, a Devarishi, a Brahmarishi, etc. However, the Saptarishis, when they initiate people into meditation, they impart their kundalini shakti, to the aspirant. And after a period of one Manvantara (72 chaturyuga cycles-where one chaturyuga is 51,840 years), having exhausted their kundalini Shakti, they once again sit in Tapas, regain their power and re-enter the order of the Saptarishis. Sometimes, a single Rishi takes charge of the Saptarishis’ works for an entire cycle of 60 years. And at other times, three or four Rishis take charge of the work of guiding the workers and the souls.
During the years 1927 to 1987, nearly seven rishis were in charge:
Rishi in charge
All the seven in charge
Athri was in charge
Vishwamitra Maharishi - on behalf of the Saptarishis
Vashishta Maharishi
Bhrigu Maharishi
Mandavya Maharishi
Markendeya Maharishi

During the last portion of 1979-1980 April or so, Vishwamitra Maharishi, again, is in charge of the Rishis’ works. This kind of sharing of responsibilities takes place on account of so many factors and problems facing the Rishis. The first point is that of birth of Kalki avatara, which occurred in 1924 at Shambalagrama and coming of His vehicle-Devadutta, etc.

The second work taken up, was that of deliverance of India’s independence from the foreign rule. The third work was that of ushering in the Surya Savarnika Manvantara and next was that of closing of the Kali Yuga. The Divya Hamsa Puja followed this event. The next work that was taken up was that of preparing Maha Vishnu to descend to the Earth and commence the series of ten avataras, for the next Chaturyuga cycle. The actual commencement of Satya Yuga that will be preceded by the Pralaya and establishment of the God’s Kingdom, will follow on this Earth.

                              Ascent of the Soul

As the kundalini rises in the aspirant due to proper meditation (like the rise of mercury in a thermometer), the six chakras connected to the cleansing instruments, start their functioning. Soon after commencement of meditation, the pair of nerves connected to the Mooladhara Chakra, get energized.
This kundalini Shakti which lies at the bottom of the spine, slowly starts rising and it kind of short-circuits the various cleansing instruments in the body. All the six sets of cleansing instruments are brought to action. When we reach the state of Samadhi, the Manomaya kosha, must be kept clean, till death. As the Manomaya kosha will be clean, the onward vision will be clear.
All powers and different experiences come to the aspirant and when he gradually reaches the SAHASRARA chakra, all the cleansing instruments would have done their work and the powers accumulated during the meditation, are required to reach the Para Brahma Loka. The cleansing process goes on till one’s death.
At death, the Manomaya Kosha has become clean completely and has regained its original glory. The Annamaya kosha is destroyed. The Pranamaya Kosha is returned to Lord Suryanarayana. The Silver Chord goes to Yamadharmapuri. The Manomaya kosha is returned at Brahmaloka and the Vignanamaya kosha is returned at Devi Loka. And finally, the Anandamaya kosha is also “dropped” at a place in Para Brahma Loka.
We become free and stay as before, in eternal bliss, in the company of Para Brahma. The Saptarishis guide in the ascent of the Soul.

The End.

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Dear Shri Ananda Giri:

I was unable to leave a message on the blogspot so I thought I would send a mail instead.

Thank you for putting in such a big effort in creating the website and sharing such wonderful experiences with all of us. You have enriched the lives of all spiritual seekers. Thanking you again,
