Wednesday 7 October 2015


                         VAYU AND YAMA LOKAS

Light, that is, Vishwamitra Maharishi materialised during the marriage of Queen Elizabeth at England and saw that all his wishes were fulfilled at that marriage. He returns back to Mount Kailas and meets with the other Rishis and a host of workers. At that moment, he starts thinking – now that I have given independence to the Bharata Desha, I should give a special gift to the people of this country, so that they may enjoy the freedom, they have obtained.

After meeting with the Rishis and their workers, Light decided to go to Para Brahma, the Supreme God. He leaves immediately and disappeared for a long time. After that, he comes back to Mount Kailas and announces to all assembled, that he has brought with him a special gift to be given to the citizens of Bharata Desha, and places the gift in front of the Rishis. This particular gift from the Supreme God Para Brahma, shone like a wonderful jewel, throwing colours and its effects, all around.

All the Rishis assembled there, appreciated his work and told him that now, he should find out a person who would receive this gift and keep it, to serve its purpose. For that, Vishwamitra Maharishi said that, he would himself find a suitable person to receive the gift. He travelled length and breadth of the country in all possible ways, sometimes appearing as a spiritual person, at different times as a material person, in different guises and costumes.

During this process, he contacted several persons of the Eaglets group also. Finally, he realised that no one in our country was willing to receive and keep the gift. Mahatma Gandhi had replied to him that emancipation of women and raising their social status was more important to him than anything else. The Mahatma had argued on these lines. Light replied- If you receive this gift, you will achieve your aims in the shortest span of time. Mahatma replied- I will do it in my own way. Light had met the Mahatma in the guise of a great sanyasi.

After a long and futile search, Light concluded that no one was fit in our country to receive the gift that he had brought with a purpose. Since no one was ready to receive this gift, Vishwamitra Maharishi said that let there be no peace in this country for quite a long time.

Suddenly, he thought about the Veera Swarga, wherein people who had died in the Mahabharata war, 5000 years ago, were enjoying the heavenly conditions. He thought further that in case even if one of them, could come down to this Earth and receive the gift, then his task would be completed. Vishwamitra Maharishi sent the worker to Veera Swarga. The worker contacted most important persons there, like Karna and Arjuna. The worker asked them to return to the Earth as their term at Veera Swarga, was over. The instructions from Vishwamitra Maharishi and other Rishis is that they should come down to establish proper conditions on the Earth. All of them refused to leave the Veera Swarga and return to the Earth. (This is in 1948, just after India’s independence).

Vishwamitra Maharishi came to know about the decision of the residents of Veera Swarga and he became angry. He could not tolerate the behaviour of the residents of Veera Swarga, and announced to the Rishis, that he is going to burn the Veera Swarga itself. The other Rishis tried their best to stop him, but Vishwamitra Maharishi had decided to burn the Veera Swarga. He used the gift which he had brought from the Para Brahma Loka against the Veera Swarga and hurled it, towards the huge galaxy. The jewel hit the Veera Swarga and due to the power it contained, it exploded and soon the Veera Swarga, began to burn.

Vishwamitra Maharishi took the worker along with him to observe the burning of the Veera Swarga. Its burning went on for several months. The inhabitants could not stay there anymore and all of them rushed out, came towards this Earth and took birth in the human form. Since Vishwamitra Maharishi and the worker, went near the burning fire, their astral bodies also caught fire. Despite this, they did not give up their observation, until it burnt out entirely.

After this, Vishwamitra Maharishi, returned back to Markendeya’s cave. All the Rishis and other workers assembled there, noticed the worker’s and Vishwamitra’s bodies containing severe burns. Vishwamitra Maharishi said - I am going to Para Brahma Loka, I have no problem about the burns suffered on my person.

On 24th December 1949, after handing over the worker under the charge of Vashishta Maharishi, Vishwamitra Maharishi left for Para Brahma Loka, turned himself into the form of a child and entered the presence of the Supreme God. Here, on the Earth, the effect of burns on the astral body of the worker continued for a long period of five years. His health got severely affected despite all treatments given by the Rishis and the doctors.

In the year 1974, when Satya Yuga commenced, Markendeya Maharishi, allotted a special work to the worker. For every age, certain gadgets in the Vayu and Yama Lokas should be replaced and exchanged. Vayu Loka and Yama Lokas were connected with the birth and death of all the creatures on the Earth. Markendeya Maharishi told the worker to take the gadgets and exchange them between Vayu and Yama Lokas, so that the new connections which are suitable to the coming Satya Yuga, may become active.

The worker immediately left for the Yama Loka, collected the gadgets and arrived at the Vayu Loka. He found Vayu, seated in a Durbar. The worker approached God Vayu, who immediately recognised the worker and enquired of him about the purpose of his visit. The worker then told him about the new connections to be made to suit the present yuga conditions. God Vayu realised that what the worker had said is true, but the change only pertained to certain Bhulokas.

He summoned his assistant. Soon, the worker was taken in a Vimana and later to a huge laboratory. The laboratory area was very vast. As the Vimana carrying the worker flew over the laboratory area, he noticed a huge field containing different antennas, which were in strange forms- like that of humans, birds, bodies without head, etc., with smoke emerging from them. After passing over the vast field containing the strange antennas, the Vimana flew over a big city, which contained a lot of scientific instruments.

There, the worker was escorted into a huge hall, inside a building, he noticed that there was a wonderful wheel rotating inside the hall, which showed different Yugas running in the material cosmos. The worker handed over the gadgets which he had brought from Yama Loka, which were put on to the wonderful wheel. He further removed certain gadgets from the wheel and after thanking God Vayu, returned to Yamadharmapuri. All the assistants of Lord Yama were eagerly awaiting the return of the worker. The worker entered their place of instruments and the gadgets from Vayu Loka, were kept properly in their place.

Very soon, huge and infinite extension with connecting tubes with invisible current started flowing like a volcano to travel a distance of 18 billion light years, in order to reach the Vayu Loka. These connecting tubes contained some sort of energy. The worker felt satisfied that the gadgets were functioning properly. Markendeya Maharishi assigned the worker, the duty of observing daily, these connections.

Once when the worker was observing the movement of the energy, he noticed a huge dead galaxy coming towards this force. Markendeya Maharishi said that the dead galaxy should be destroyed, or our work will be upset.

Immediately, the worker was sent to the Devi Loka, and there with Her help, he picked up a certain precious jewel, arrived near the dead galaxy, which was none other than the burnt Veera Swarga, reached the center of the galaxy and there, in a very special way, he exploded the jewel from Devi Loka  and rushed out quickly. Within a few minutes, the entire dead galaxy caught fire and began to burn. The effect was equivalent to that of a million volcanic explosions.

After a few days, the dead galaxy disappeared into nothing. By that time, the energy started coming into its place. Finally, it reached Vayu Loka. When the force began its flow at Yama Loka, its diameter was hardly one foot and later, after two or three years, its diameter became that of 72,000 miles due to the multi million connectors which it contained.

The End.

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Dear Shri Ananda Giri:

I was unable to leave a message on the blogspot so I thought I would send a mail instead.

Thank you for putting in such a big effort in creating the website and sharing such wonderful experiences with all of us. You have enriched the lives of all spiritual seekers. Thanking you again,
