Saturday 17 October 2015


Life of Markendeya Maharishi
Mrukundu Maharishi married a very pious satvic lady called “Marudhvathi” and started his life as a grihasta, in an ashrama. He was a Maha Tapaswi who spent his time by doing daily karmas and service to the Paramatma. His wife too, spent all her time in serving her husband, participating in all his dharmic activities and lived as a shadow of him. Inspite of life being carried on for a long time, she did not beget a child. So, they were sad and kept on feeling this. 

The Muni knew that if one does not beget children in grihastashram, they will have no place in the higher lokas, so he intensified his Vratas and daily Niyamas, but observed that these also did not help.

He decided to pray to Lord Eshwara and ask for a boon for begetting a child, he sat in Tapas. Lord Eshwara was pleased by the Tapas of the Muni, appearing before him, told the Muni to ask for a boon. The Muni replied – Oh Lord! I did not want anything. I am glad to see that you have come here, but one in grihastashrama does not beget a child, may or may not get Mukti, so kindly grant me a male child for this purpose. 

The Lord asked the Muni-Do you want a child who is without character and with bad qualities, would live long as a chiranjeevi, or a child who is full of good qualities and of great punya, but would live only for sixteen years? Select any one.
The Muni replied- Of what use is a child with bad qualities but with long life? It is neither useful to him nor to his parents, whereas a child with good qualities, will bring fame to the Vamsha. So even if he were to have a short life, it does not matter. Kindly grant a son of that nature. 

The Lord said- As you wish and He disappeared. The Muni was very much pleased, time passed on and his wife showed signs of bearing a child and the couple became very happy. He performed all the dharmic requisites for the pregnant lady, regularly.

He satisfied all her wishes, invited the Brahmins often for chanting of the mantras, and obtained blessings from them. After the ninth month, on a sacred day, the Rishi patni gave birth to a male child who looked as if it was an avatara of Lord Shiva, luminous, shining and perfect in all aspects. The Muni invited Brahmins and conducted all the necessary karmas in connection with the birth, gave all types of Dhanas, to them. He named the child as Markendeya.           

When Markendeya completed his 5th year of age, the upa-nayana was performed and Mrukundu taught him all types of veda shastras, tarka, vyakarana and all that has to be learnt by a Munikumara.

Markendeya grew into a perfect Brahmachari radiating with Tejas. As days passed his father fell silent with worry with the thought that Markendeya will become 16 in a few years, and would leave his parents. At last he found a way to this. He called his son near him and began to speak- “Oh son! Today I will give you some upadesha, do hear! You are a child born out of grace of Lord Shiva and you have only 16 years of life, that is in the coming two or three years. You should do atma sadhana within this short span of life and for this, surrender to Parvathipathi and pray to Him. And whenever you come across brahmanas, rishis, elders, you should bow down to them fully with bhakthi, so that they will bless you saying ‘Dheerga Ayushman Bhava!’ (Long live). The words of such people will never prove false. Moreover the brahmins and the rishis never speak untruth, who knows by their blessings, your life span may increase”. He further told- Son, I will give you upadesha of Mruthyunjaya Mantra, you should utter it daily keeping Lord Shiva as your aradhya devatha. He initiated his son with the mantra as prescribed in the Shastras.

Markendeya followed his father’s instructions, proceeded towards the southern seas. There, in a quiet and beautiful spot, he built an ashrama and installed a Shiva Linga. He used to bring the bilva leaves and with shodashopachara, perform puja, thrice daily with the japa pf mrthyunjaya mantra, used to perform severe Tapas. Days passed on. He also did namaskara to the Brahmins and Rishis without fail and asked to be blessed for long life. In this way, Markendeya, spent his last years of life and there were only three days left, for the completion of his sixteenth year.

One early morning when Markendeya commenced his puja to Lord Shiva, the Saptarishis in a group, were passing in front of his ashram. At the sight of them, Markendeya, jumped and ran towards them and did full sashtanga pranams to each one of them.As per his prayer, the Saptarishis, blessed him saying Dheergayushmanbhava. After prostrating before all of them with great respect and devotion, with folded hands, he stood before them.

Then, Vashishta Maharishi, looked at the face of Markendeya and divined what was in store, became stunned, went near Kashyapa Maharishi and said – this young tapaswi is of alpa ayush and has only three days of life left over. We have all blessed him with long life! No speech of ours has become false, so far. Now, a time has come, when our speech will be proved false?  By this, all the Rishis became thoughtful and decided to approach Chaturmukha Brahma, who had written the fate of Markendeya. So, along with Markendeya, they all left for Brahma Loka. They all told Lord Brahma what had happened and asked for pariharas. He said – Respected Rishis, do not become frightened, no speech of yours has proved false till now, in future also it will not prove false, there is no reason to fear. This boy is performing japa on Lord Shiva, who is his aradhya devatha, who will relieve him of danger to life. The Saptarishis, satisfied with these words of Chaturmukha Brahma, brought Markendeya back to Bhu-Loka and left him at his ashrama.

In this way, three days passed on and the final day to leave his body arrived. Very early in the morning itself, Markendeya completed his bath, japas, niyamas and nityakarmas, he sat in front of the Shiva Linga. With a focussed mind, he commenced the Shiva Puja and was completely absorbed in it. Soon, Yama came there, seated on a buffalo and Markendeya saw him. Yama was looking very fierceful with his eyes emanating fire, the big sharp hairs on his body were capable of piercing the hearts of one, easily. Yama immediately threw his rope (paasha) around the neck of Markendeya and then addressing Yama, Markendeya told him- Oh! Yama Dharma Raja, now I am busy in puja of Lord Parameshwara, before completion of it, I shall not move from this place, so please wait.

Then Yama, with a smile, said- one should perform dharma karyas in young age itself and become perfect.  If one attempts to do sadhana, in one’s last days, one cannot complete it. I am the one who keeps Time, as soon as one’s lifetime is over. Let they be anyone- I will take them, no one has the capacity to stop me, do not waste time talking unnecessarily, so saying he pulled the pasha. 

Markendeya said- Oh! Yama Dharma Raja! I asked you to wait not for me, I have uttered it only for your prosperity, I am in the puja of Lord Shankara and anyone who obstructs the puja of Lord Shankara, whosoever it may be, he cannot escape misery. A person like me need not tell you that a devotee of the Lord has no fear of anyone. If you move me from this place, your prosperity and good is going to be delayed.Yama, hearing these words of the boy, became furious with anger. He started pulling Markendeya by force of his rope. Then, Markendeya, immediately caught hold of the Shiva Linga near him saying- Oh Lord Paripoorna Mruthyunjaya, Kalyanadeva, the destructor of all fear, protect and pleaded with the Lord, repeating these words. Immediately Lord Shiva came out of the Shiva Linga, roaring like a Lion and fierceful sounds of Pralaya Kala and He kicked Yama be His foot and pushed him aside. As soon as Yama looked at the Lord, shining with the fearful sight of anger, he took to his heels, sat on his buffalo and left that place immediately.

Later Parameshwara after becoming peaceful, He took his devotee, lifted him up. Markendeya started repeating the mantras, praising Him. Lord Shiva, full of Grace and Bliss blessed Markendeya with a boon – You become a Chiranjeevi and He disappeared. From that day onwards, Yama did not dare come near Markendeya. 

As told, Markendeya, spent his 16th year won over death itself, left for darshan of his parents, who were in grief thinking that their son had left this world. Markendeya did sashtang namaskara to both his parents. Is he really our son? Is he not dead? Has he come in a real body? So saying, without believing their eyes, passed their hands all over the body of Markendeya, embraced him and started pouring love and affection on him and became extremely happy,

Markendeya told his parents what had all happened, the darshan of the saptarishis, Lord Brahma and his blessings, how on the last day, Lord Shiva blessed him with Chiranjeevathva. Mrukundu said- By you not only have we become prosperous, our kula itself has become famous. Your mother who has given birth to you is a very devoted woman. In future, you will perform difficult Tapas and call for Nara-Narayana’s presence. By the grace of them, may you see the wonderful leelas and mayajalas not ever seen by any one, Sri Hari’s Maha Pralaya, may be seen by you in pratyaksha. You will obtain the title of ‘Maharishi’ in a very superior place. So saying, the parents blessed Markendeya,  

Then Markendeya took the vow of performing difficult tapas, with shantha chitta, with Jata, Danda, Kamandala, Yagnopaveetha, Krishnanjana, Akshaya, garland of pearls and dharba. For his tapas, he chose a peaceful place in Himalayas, there on a rock called ‘Chitra’, he established    his parna kuteera. Nearby was a river called Pushpabhadra, there he sat in tapas. Near that punyabhoomi all round, lived Brahmins and there existed many clean water ponds. The bumblebees drunk with nectar and the cuckoo birds, sang filling the area with sweet music and the peacocks were dancing. A variety of different birds, made pleasant sounds. In such beautiful panoramic, peaceful   and wonderful place, Markendeya, established his ashrama.

For a period of six manvantaras, he performed severe tapas, worshipping Lord Sriman Narayana and by the power of Yoga, he had conquered the arishadvargas. The seventh Manvantara- Vaivaswatha, also commenced. The tapas had reached its zenith and was continuing, the flame of tapas touched Indraloka and Indra thought this mahatma has undertaken this staunch tapas in order to conquer his post and decided to disturb the tapas of Markendeya.

Indra summoned the Gandharvas, Apsaras, Manmatha, Vasantha, Shulayanchala, Kama and Madhu and told them all- You go down to Bhu Loka now itself and disturb the tapas of Markendeya in Himalayas. To this, Manmatha, laughed out loudly saying- what big work is this? The most attractive of apsaras- Punjikasthala started to go, telling that if Manmatha is there to protect her, whomsoever it may be, she will pierce his heart- she said with teasing laughter. All of them came down to Bhuloka, to the Himalayas, selected their suitable places and began to commence their assigned work.

Then, Markendeya, had finished his evening bath, Sandhya and the homa karyas, his body was shining like fire, seated in tapas. Then, Manmatha started blowing as if to bring in the fire of Kama. Vasantha brought about the Chandrodaya, many beautiful trees and plants sprang up, giving a very pleasant smell, all around. Manmatha positioned himself behind a big tree opposite the Rishi, was ready to shoot his five arrows towards the Rishi. The Gandharvas started singing, playing musical instruments, Punjika, clad in a thin silk saree, and commenced her dance, moving slowly. Marutha started blowing fast and her saree flew off in the air, and at that time, Manmatha let go of his five arrows towards Markendeya.

But everything became a waste. The arrows fell down broken, and there was no one to see the apsara, the gandharvas stopped their music and left the spot. Manmatha and Punjika felt thoroughly ashamed, returned back to Indra. Markendeya as before was absorbed in his tapas, seeing all this Nara Narayanas became pleased and gave their darshan to Markendeya. Narayana was of blue colour and Nara was of white in colour. They both had beautiful lotus like eyes, wearing robes made out of plant fibre, having krishnanjana, wearing sacred dhungura with thridanda kamandalas, on their chests was the yagnopaveetha, on their necks was seen a garland of Padmakshi,

These personalities who are respected by a host of Devathas, with their luminous bodies and wonderful stature, those Rishis of the Bhagavathamsha, stood before Markendeya. Markendeya opened his eyes slowly, saw them, got up immediately, did sashtang namaskara and stood with folded hands. He became emotional, his voice choked with feeling, he did not know what to speak. He only uttered ‘Namo Namaha’ and was silent. Then, he greeted them with his hands outstretched, offered them seats and washed their feet. He performed puja with flowers, dhoopa and sandal paste. He commenced praising them with saying “Oh Deva of all the Devas, four handed, being in form, destroyer of the wicked, please bless”-likewise Markendeya prayed.

Then Lord Sri Hari said- “Oh, famous among the Rishis, being in the Samadhi State always, having controlled the indriyas completely, maintaining full devotion on Me, performing the works prescribed in the Vedas, performing the Vratas, the Yama Niyamas and attained Siddhies out of it, to see such a one and to give boons, I have come. Ask the boons you wish”.

Markendeya submitted- Oh Achyutha, Pundarika, is there anything more profitable and sacred than your Darshan in this world? You have now bestowed on me that, now. I do not want anything other than this. Brahma and Rudra see you only with a heart and mind purified by Yoga, but I am seeing you in pratyaksha – what could be more superior to this? Yet, I would like to see the ‘Maya’ of yours- as to how from a Brahma to a germ, the Maya rules this world. Please grant me that said Markendeya. “So be it” said the Nara Narayanas and disappeared from there.

Markendeya spent his time thinking of witnessing the Bhagavat Maya, he began to see God in the pancha mahabhootas, praying to God with his mind, used to sit like that for days together!

Like this, forgetting himself, keeping his mind steady on the lotus feet of Sri Hari, Markendeya sat in tapas on the banks of Pushpabhadra river. Then, the evening dawned, all of a sudden, whirlwinds started blowing, sky was filled with dark clouds, thunder and lightning followed and the whole world got frightened. Rain started pouring with thunder and with a width of the trunk of an elephant, with great force. Soon, all sight was filled with water. It looked as if all the seas and oceans had become one. And in this water, the entire earth started floating and looked as though it would be drowned in the cosmic waters.

Markendeya started shivering in fear as the waters came near him and he began to float along with the water animals which began to bite him, everywhere there was fast whirlwinds, by the turbulent ocean. Nowhere, nothing was seen. One could not make out neither the earth, nor the sky, the directions, Then, Markendeya, became Atma Swaroopa and was caught for lakhs of years, in this deluge of water.  

When he was like this, one day he noticed a small island on which there was a small banyan plant with many branches with flowers and fruit. Towards the ishanya side, one branch had spread on its small leaf, Markendeya saw a small baby, sleeping. The baby was shining so bright, as to drive away all darkness. It was blue in colour like a lotus, with a neck like that of a conch, broad chested as that of a champaka flower, beautiful in all respects, sweet curl of hair, lips that of coral and that wonderful child was holding its leg by its two hands and was sleeping while sucking the fore-toe of its foot.

In such a fierceful sea, beholding such a virtuous child, wonderful, peacefully sleeping, Markendeya was both astonished and felt happy and felt that all his sufferings had borne fruit that day. He became ecstatic and not satisfied even after seeing the baby for long, he came near the baby. At this very moment, as the baby was inhaling, the Rishi, in the size of a small mosquito, went into the nose of the baby and entered the heart of the baby.

There also he saw the same deluge of water, the island and the baby sleeping peacefully. Not only that, but the earth, sky, stars, mountains, seas, islands, people, devas , asuras, rivers, nations, houses, cities, villages, rishi ashramas, all varnashramas, time duration of the yugas, the saptha vasus necessary formlife – all these he observed. Also, he saw the hills of the Himalayas, his own ashram and himself seated in tapas, there.

The baby exhaled the air out and with it came out the Rishi, who fell on the Pralaya waters, looked at the baby who smiled at him.  Markendeya with full of affection, rushed to lift the baby, but it disappeared then and there. Soon Maha Pralaya, also disappeared. The Rishi who sat as before in Samadhi at his ashrama, woke up and looked all around. Then, he realized that Sriman Narayana, had shown him his Mahamaya and with great devotion began praising Sriman Narayana with many stotras, Sri Hari, Oh saviour of all of us, you are the only one who can help us from coming out of this fierceful ocean of life – so praying, he again entered into Samadhi state.

Then Parameshwara, along with His consort, Parvathi Devi, mounted on a Bull, followed by the Ganas, was passing overhead in the sky. Parvathi, referring to Markendeya, told Shiva – “In this Bhu-Loka, this Brahmin having attained siddhi and in Samadhi, how is he seated, just look at him. I want to shower my grace on him and then proceed”.

Shiva replied- “Alright, but he has not desired for our darshan or anugraha, he has not desired Mukti and has surrendered himself to the lotus feet of Sri Hari and such a person, what will he require of us?”. However, Parvathi Devi insisted on visiting Markendeya and soon they both stood in front of him. But Markendeya had forgotten himself, lost in his Samadhi, did not recognise the Divine Couple in front of him. Finally, Lord Eshwara entered his nose in vayu roopa and entered his heart.

There, the Rishi, noticed a very bright light and was astonished. He opened his eyes and noticed the glorious sight of Lord Eshwara and Devi Parvathi together. Lord Eshwara was in divya roopa, blue in colour, with jata and joota, with thrinethra, ten handed, with a body shining like that of a Sun, with tiger skin over his waist and He held in his ten hands the different weapons like the Shoola, Bow, Arrow, Thrishoola, Sword, etc.

With great devotion, Markendeya, commenced the worship of the Lord Eshwara and Devi Parvathi – with the giving of asana, arka, padhya, madhuparka, pushpa, gandha, dhoopa, dheepa and with folded hands said – “Oh Prabhu, Ananda Swaroopa, One who showers good for all the Lokas, in what way can I serve you and satisfy you? I can only offer my namaskaras, so kindly be pleased with it” – so saying the Rishi pleaded before the Lord, Oh God grace me with permanent and everlasting bhakti on the Paramatma and His bhaktas.

The Lord was pleased and said – “So be it” and further added that –“Your fame will be there till the end of the kalpas; henceforth you shall become a Trikala Jnani, let you get Atma Paramatma Vivechana Jnana and become a Vairagi”.

The End.

Om Shree Markendeya Maharishiye Namaha

1 comment:

Dear Shri Ananda Giri:

I was unable to leave a message on the blogspot so I thought I would send a mail instead.

Thank you for putting in such a big effort in creating the website and sharing such wonderful experiences with all of us. You have enriched the lives of all spiritual seekers. Thanking you again,
