Saturday 17 October 2015


Matsya Avatara

The following was narrated by Shri Ambarisha Varma, on 25.04.1980

Long long ago, the powerful King Hayagreeva ruled on the earth; he had conquered all the continents and the islands on the earth. His misrule commenced and Dharma began to decline on the earth. Shukracharya, his Guru, always directed him to commit evil acts. As Hayagreeva had conquered the entire earth, he asked his Guru, what else was there for him to conquer? Shukracharya said- why don’t you try conquering the ashtadikpalakas? Hayagreeva soon started to raid the ashtadikpalakas one by one, and conquered all of them. The inhabitants of these lokas were put to lot of trouble and misery, were made to repeat “Om Hayagreevaya namaha” and to worship him.

After this, one day, while seated on his throne, discussing with his Guru and other ministers, his Guru suddenly pointed out to him that, whatever he had done was alright, but the Guru was able to see that something in future will become more powerful than Hayagreeva. This power would destroy the adharma of Hayagreeva and was already born at Brahmaloka. Hayagreeva enquired as to what that power was? Shukracharya said instead of speaking about it, let us go and see it for ourselves. 

Both Hayagreeva and  Shukracharya rushed to Brahmaloka. There, looking at the glorious Brahmaloka, Hayagreeva, felt stunned and asked his Guru as to how that loka was left out for him to conquer? Shukracharya said – do not think on these lines now, be serious about the purpose of our visit, and later let us see about conquering this loka.

Just then, a period of one manvantara was coming to a close on the earth. The Chaturmukha Brahma was about to take a little respite from his incessant work. There were four small children-Rig, Yaju, Sama and Atharva, playing in front of Lord Brahma and their mother-Devi Saraswathi.

Shukracharya and Hayagreeva, watched this scene, unnoticed in their invisible forms.

After a while, Devi addressing Brahma told him – I have some work inside, look after the children and she disappeared from there. Shukracharya told Hayagreeva- now the time seems to have come for a little action. Let us first continue to watch. Since it was time for Brahma to take a little rest, he slowly started to yawn and soon went into yoganidra. The four children observing that their father having gone into yoganidra, sat in meditation in front of Lord Brahma.

Then, Shukracharya, said this is the opportunity to snatch these children. Hayagreeva could not understand- why snatch them and run away from there? Shukracharya told him there was no time to explain everything to him in detail now, these children when they grow up, will write the four Vedas – the teachings of which will be followed by the people living on the earth and all the lokas of ashtadikpalakas and then there will be no room for you. You will be burnt away due to the power of the Vedas. So it is better you destroy these children now itself. Even then Hayagreeva did not understand what his Guru was telling him. He said- I want to love these children. Shukracharya said- one day, they will destroy you. Shukracharya, with great difficulty, succeeded in making Hayagreeva snatch the four children, rushed back to the earth, and Hayagreeva found a place to hide them. Again Shukracharya told him-destroy these children, instead Hayagreeva began to pour out all love to them and told his Guru that he would continue to keep them in hiding.

Hayagreeva took the children below the ocean, hid them in a cave there, its location was not known to anyone. After this, Devi returned and finds Brahma is in yoganidra and the children were not to be seen. She wakes up Brahma and enquired about her children. He said he was not aware of their missing. She searches here and there, the news spreads to the entire deva loka and to the Rishis. The Rishis decided to inform the news to Lord Maha Vishnu. They all rushed to Vaikunta and come into the presence of the Lord, who was acting as though He was asleep. After hearing them, Maha Vishnu told them not to worry and that He will do the needful, at the appropriate time.

On the earth, there lived a God-fearing King called Shraddha Deva. One morning he visited a particular lake for his ablutions and prayers.  He had taken in a little water into his hands when he noticed a tiny fish in the hollow of his palms, talking to him. The King put this fish into a bigger vessel, it continued to grow big for a well, a tank and finally he took it to the ocean. At the ocean, the fish told him- there would be a big deluge of water in seven days, you prepare a big ship, I shall arrive there with a big horn. You must tie me up and Vasuki to the big ship and I shall keep you safe from the waves and the deluge and till the re-appearance of the land once again.

Jala pralaya took place soon. The entire land disappeared and there was water everywhere. Lord Maha Vishnu, in the form of a fish, entered the waters and began searching for the four children of Brahma. After a while, the Lord located the hiding place, which was heavily guarded by Hayagreeva. Both He and Hayagreeva fought for a very long time, Hayagreeva took shelter under the shadow of the fish, sometimes went under the seabed and the fish could not tackle him fully. The Lord was unable to find the rakshasa and thought of a plan. He said that a boon will be conferred upon Hayagreeva to make him a mighty King at the   end of Kali Yuga and that he could rule over a rakshasa desha on the earth. He would enjoy all the powers and benefits befitting an Emperor, until then he could live long and not be destroyed: accept this boon, the Lord said. Hayagreeva thought it over that the boon was worthwhile and continued his fight. The Lord killed Hayagreeva and the four children were rushed to Brahma Loka.

After this, Shraddha Deva, received the fish with great reverence and tied Vasuki to the ship. He collected all the species of animals and this ship also carried the saptarishis.
The fish pulled the ship all over the great waters, for several years. 
During that time, the fish gave Shraddha Deva all necessary knowledge and made him fit to rule over the earth once again. Soon, the waters started receding and land appeared. After this, the fish turned into Maha Vishnu, blessed Shraddha Deva and disappeared in the sky, that is, He went back to Vaikunta.

Hayagreeva was born at the end of Kali Yuga as “Matsya Tunga” - Maotse Tung and was a great ruler of the modern China. He had ruled China gloriously. In the winter of 1972, he met his death at the hands of Maha Vishnu. Since Kali Yuga came to as close only in 1974, there was a double, who acted as Maotse Tung, and this double died in 1974. The original Maotse Tung, had entered the Bosom of the Lord in 1972.

The End.

1 comment:

Dear Shri Ananda Giri:

I was unable to leave a message on the blogspot so I thought I would send a mail instead.

Thank you for putting in such a big effort in creating the website and sharing such wonderful experiences with all of us. You have enriched the lives of all spiritual seekers. Thanking you again,
