Friday 25 September 2015


                                   SATYA YUGA

           The following was told by Shri Ambarisha Varma, 
                                 on 27th December, 1980

In the past, in the present and in future, Man always wants some time for his activities. The concept of Time has had its importance from the days of Marco Polo and Columbus.  Time is important even in modern times like in areas of Banking, Education and studies at home. Both in the modern time and in ancient times, Time has played a very important role.

In our country during ancient times, we looked at Time in a different way. For every work we did, unlike the Westerners, we dedicated the work to a particular God, as an offering. The Rishis had taught us to invoke the Gods for our daily activities. The Rishis had told us that the Gods have a different Time from that of ours and when we invoke them, we should first tell their Time to which they are used to, and later tell them our corresponding Time, in order to facilitate the Gods to adjust their timing to suit their arrival/send their blessings. The Rishis had given us both the Gods' Time and Man's Time at any particular day.

Now, the God's Day is equal to about 4.32 billion human years and this God's Day is further divided into 14 parts which are called as "Manvantaras", similar to our Hours in our day. Each manvantara or hour of Brahma is further subdivided into 72 Mahayugas, which are equivalent to our minutes. Each minute of the Brahma's Time or the Mahayuga is further divided into the Chaturyugas consisting of the Four Yugas-Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali. Each of these four yugas are corresponding to our seconds in the Brahma's Time. The Creator Brahma's Time is given out in this fashion. Now, to take up our corresponding time, we also have a Kalpa which is a smaller cycle when compared to Brahma's Day which is a full manvantara, a chaturyuga, etc.

This "Kalpa" applies to us in all our daily activities during our lifetime. As per Brahma's Time, Brahma has passed his middle age, that is, He is in His 50th Year and is in his second half of his life. He is on his First Day, the Seventh Hour, in the 28th Chaturyuga and in the Kali Yuga portion, His Time is running as Vaivasvata Manvantara. In other words, in His watch now, the Time is about 7 AM and 28 minutes have passed, during the Gods' Kali Yuga portion.

During this time, our time is as per the Rishis, which is known as Brahma Kalpa, Surya Savarnika Manvanatara, Krita Yuga, first Sandhya between Kali and Krita is just running out, now. That is why we have passed through Man's Kali Yuga and entered the Sandhya kala of the coming Satya Yuga. We must find out the extent of time passed in the Chaturyuga cycle. For this, we have the sayings of the Rishis in the Puranas, Shastras and the points revealed by the Rishis, recently.

Now let us first decide about the fact that Kali Yuga is no longer there.

Parushurama established an Ashram at the Parushurama Kshetra  and lived  comfortably there, for a long period. His works finally came to a close and, time came for him to retire from active life. He asembled all his ashramavasis and told them to ask for a present or a gift for the services rendered to him and his father. The people thought about the gift to be received and asked Parushurama that he should confer upon them  a beneficial boon, so that they could live comfortably during the coming three yugas-Treta, Dwapara and Kali.

For this purpose, Parushurama immediately took out his "Parushu" (axe), went near a Lake, which was formed in between the hill range, which lay across the course of a particular river-Malaprabha. This river had its origin from the Mala Parvata, then. These hill ranges are now mere islands called as Mala Dwipa. Parushurama, with his axe, cut the hill ranges and thereby allowed the water to flow out.

After this, he asked his ashramavasis to go and settle down in that fertile land in order to lead a comfortable and happy life. He further said that they will be the owners of that land for the coming three yugas. But, at the end of Kali Yuga, once gain the land given to you will get submerged in water and all of you would have to quit the place. So, the ashramavasis settled down at this place. After this event, Parushurama went to the Mahendra Parvata to lead a spiritual life.

Now, after passing of Treta, Dwapara and Kali, this Parushurama Ashrama came to be known as "Yellamma's Place", near Saundatti, which is about 22 miles from Dharwar. During the year 1960 or 1962, the Government of India/Mysore decided to build a wall in the very same place. A Annekut was built which took nearly 12 to 14 years to build and finally it was completed in July 1973. About 300 villages had to be vacated for building the Annekut and due to heavy rains, Parushurama Kshetra, went under water. In December of 1973, the earlier lake came into being. This is one of the events to show that Kali Yuga for us, human beings, closed around 1973 or so.

In the Kalki Purana, it is said that, Boudhavatara will take place in the middle of Kali Yuga. Now, we know that Buddha was born in 617 BC and attained Nirvana in 550 BC. In case, we add the year of birth of Buddha which is 617 to the year 1974, that is 617+1974, we get a total of 2591 and to go backwards- 2591+2591 is equal to 5182 years.

To the years 2592, we add 618, we get 3210 years ago which year was known as "Karanama Samvasthara", the year in which Duryodhana, was born. The donkeys brayed at the time of his birth. The Mahabaratha was fought and the actual Kali Yuga for us humans, commenced with the birth of Duryodhana. The Rishis approached Dhritharashtra and his wife and requested them to destroy this child and their 100 sons as well, in order to save the Earth from the ensuing calamity.

The Mahabaratha was ensued and the actual duration of Kali Yuga (for humans) is the period from the birth of Duryodhana, the coming of Buddhavatara and it ended in 1974, comprising of a total of 5184 years.

During the Treta, when Lord Rama was fighting with Indrajith, a very fierce and destructive battle took place between them. Indrajith became invisible and continued to fight with Rama. Rama decided that he could not continue the fight at that stage and tells Indrajith, that if he were to surrender to him, he would be given a boon. Indrajith asked what boon would he get? Rama told him that he would be born in the Bharatha Varsha and at the end of Kali Yuga, he would drive out the rule of the Kapis. Make the residents of Bharatha Varsha your followers. You can take all the decisions and rule Bharatha Varsha for the same number of years as that of our Vanavasa, that is, 14 or 15 years and you shall be in command of numerous Vimanas, the Navy and the Air Force. Indrajith thinks twice, accepts the offer made by Rama and allows himself to be killed by Him.

The Rama-Ravana battle is over, Rama is camping near the seashore and he summons all the Va-Naras (Va-half, Nara-human= half human species) gave away gifts for the services rendered to Him. 

One special group of Vanaras, the "Garundas" approached Rama and asked  for a special boon. Rama told them- I shall give you all a special boon. That is, you shall all be born at the end of Kali Yuga at the Vikata Dwipa (Great Britain) and from there, you shall rule the Bharatha Varsha for 12 generations and the Sun shall not set on your empire. You will control all the countries on the Earth. This boon, the Garunda group of Kapis, gladly accepted and at the end of Kali Yuga, this species of Vanaras were born in the Royal British dynasty. When they ruled our country, they were referred to as the "kapi mukadhavaru".

They enjoyed their rule until the Quit India Movement commenced and Indrajith, who was none other than Jawaharlal Nehru along with Mahatma Gandhi, sent away the Britishers within  a period of 14 to 15 years, from the Indian soil. All the predictions in the Bhavishya Purana also clearly mark the end of Kali Yuga for the humans.

These entire Puranic events etc. show that Kali Yuga has ended for us and that 4,32,000 years of Kali Yuga is not for us. Another event which finds a mention in the Bhagavatha Purana, is that of an astrological event which took place in the year 1943.  It is stated in the 12th chapter of this Purana that when Jupiter, Moon and the Sun simultaneously are found in the Pushyami Nakshatra, Satya Yuga commences. This astronomical event took place on 01-08-1943, before India got its independence. And only thereafter we got our independence.

In the Naadi Granthas, it is written that in the year 1956, Vikaramanama Samvasthara, certain planetary conjunctions took place to show that the Surya Savarnika Manvanatara has begun. In the year 1956, the Russian spacecraft "Sputnik" carried a dog, abroad.

On 04.02.1962, there was a special conjunction of Ashtagrahayuti when eight planets joined in the  Makara Rashi, mostly in Shravana Nakshatra, to usher in Satya Yuga and their effect lasted for 12 years to close the Kali Yuga, in the year 1974. Now, a new Kalpa is ushered in, in 1965 by about 23rd October 1965, after the Divya Hamsa Puja. As the Puja came to a close, a comet was seen in the south eastern sky, in the star Hastha, looking like the hand of Kala Purusha, with the sword-Brahmadanda. The appearance of this comet, ushered in the new Kalpa known as Brahma Kalpa, the early hours of the next manvantara.

On 14th April 1974, at sunrise, when the Sun entered the Mesha Rashi, both Jupiter and Venus were found conjunct in the Kumbha Rashi, Mars and Saturn were found in the Mithuna Rashi, signifying that both Good and Evil were balanced in the Mesha Lagna.

At this time, Satya Yuga commenced for us, the humans. From the years 3210 BC to 1974, it is 5184 years which is the duration of Kali Yuga for us.

  • Kali Yuga                              -                      5, 184 years
  • Dwapara twice of Kali         -                    10, 368 years
  • Treta thrice of Kali              -                    15, 552 years
  • Krita four times of Kali       -                    20, 736 years
  • Total                                      -                    51, 840 years
So, in this way, the extent of Chatur Yuga that relates to us comprises of 51,840 years. Such Chatur Yugas rotate 90,000 times in a Day for Brahma.

In the deluge that occured after the Mahabaratha, the secret of Human Time and Gods' Time, was lost. We forgot as to the corresponding Human Time, which should be told while telling the Gods' Time. A King of Varanasi ( Rivers- Varuna and Asi) called for a special conference to arrive at our human time. The conference  discussed for nearly 21 years and finally could not arrive at a suitable decision regarding the Human Time. The Medha Thithi is in forward position and we still do not know our current human time. We had lost the count of the Chatur Yuga cycles. 

It was decided that until the Rishis themselves came and told us about our exact time, we should omit to mention wrong human time and we went on repeating - 

"Aadhya Brahmanye, Dweetiya Praraadhe, Shwetha Varaha Kalpe, Vaivasvatha Manvantare, Kali Yuge, Prathama Paadhe, Jamboo Dwipe, Bharatha Varshe, Bharatha Khande", etc.

The End.

In the photo below, Shri Ambarisha Varma and Smt Susheelamma Varma, are distributing clothes to the workers who constructed their residence at "Shambala" Koramangala, Bangalore, on the occassion of Griha Pravesham.

H N Ananda Giri
Saturday, 26th September 2015.

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Dear Shri Ananda Giri:

I was unable to leave a message on the blogspot so I thought I would send a mail instead.

Thank you for putting in such a big effort in creating the website and sharing such wonderful experiences with all of us. You have enriched the lives of all spiritual seekers. Thanking you again,
