Saturday 19 December 2015



Near the Star Uttarabhadra, there is a huge galaxy. In this galaxy, there is a Solar System and this Solar System contains an Earth like ours, where human life is existing. This Earth is occupied by the Sanaka Sanandana Rishis and their workers. Here, they manufacture the Manomaya Koshas and send them to Brahma.

In the year 1974, Satya Yuga commenced, on April 14th. The Manomaya Koshas given to the descending souls were found to be out of date and a new batch of Manomaya Koshas from that date onwards, were required at Brahma Loka. Markendeya Maharishi, happened to pass through Brahma Loka, when Lord Brahma and his Manager of Manovati Nagara, informed Markendeya Maharishi to send information to Sanaka Sanandana Maharishis, so that they could despatch Manomaya Koshas without delay, immediately.

As usual when the Worker met Markendeya Maharishi, the Rishi gives the worker the special work of going over to the place where the Manomaya Koshas for the Satya Yuga are manufactured. The worker instantly leaves in the direction of the Galaxy Andromeda. He finds it infinitely vast and very confusing. With some difficulty, a particular Solar System was spotted out. After that, he was able to see the Earth inside the Solar System and the Worker quickly rushes towards the Earth. As he passes through the atmosphere of that Earth, the worker feels that he has become a little heavy and soon he notices that he has now acquired a physical body and the gravitation of that Earth pulls him down and with a little impact, he lands on that Earth, in a particular place and looks about himself- his body looks different- a replica of his astral form, he is amazed at this.

As he proceeded further, he finds a huge arch, fully carved out with figures. On either side of this arch, he notices green pastures with plenty of vegetation, etc. He finds three roads emerging out from the arch and does not know which one to take. As he was thinking which road he had to take, he hears a voice calling out to him. Looking for the direction of the voice, he observes that a carved image of the watchman from the arch was addressing him. The image said –“This world is different from yours. There is a lot of discipline, no insect, fly or animal can misbehave. Birds and flies do not peck at corn etc. They have a place to eat their food. Similarly everything is well arranged, here no pain is caused to anyone. You take the road on your right, proceed on it, do not pluck any fruit, if you do so, the plants and trees will strike you back, be careful”.

As the worker proceeded on the path, he finds on both sides of the path, wonderful trees with fruits which were very tempting, he plucked out one fruit from a tree and all other trees quickly started throwing fruits at him. The worker, having acquired a physical body, felt hungry. Soon, he noticed a small hut like dwelling place wherein an old woman was staying. The worker asks the old lady for some food to eat. She looked closely at the worker and said- You must be a stranger here, today no one eats here, we eat once a week, so you are an outsider. She gives some food to the Worker and once the Worker consumes it, he feels satisfied, hunger gone.

After some distance, he crosses a valley and enters a city which was between two hills. He observes there, all kinds of human beings, he quickly enters a main building and is received with great hospitality by the people inside. He was taken into the presence of Sanaka Sanandana Maharishis and is introduced to them. The worker informs the Sanaka Sanandana Maharishis about the purpose of his visit.

The worker asked as to why he had acquired a physical body at that Earth? Sanaka Sanandana Maharishis replied- There are many secrets here and so, any astral body passing through the Earth’s atmosphere gets a physical body and they get exposed. Here people are born at age 16 and they die at age 60, in a special and different way unlike death at Bhuloka.

Sanaka Sanandana Maharishis take the worker to a main hall, where two Homa Kundas are observed and a special liquid was poured into the Kundas when red hot two globes of light emerge, explode and the Manomaya Koshas are manufactured which looks something like polythene bags.

In order to return to Markendeya Maharishi, the worker is then directed to pass through a cave upon a huge hill, find an opening on the right side of the cave, find a huge lake with a bridge in the center of the lake, and wait there. The worker proceeds, reaches this cave after coming across slippery boulders, slips down many times and finally enters the right said of the cave to discover a lake and a bridge at its center, with lotuses, and waits as instructed.

As the worker waits, it was soon sunrise time there and all people on that Earth got ready to worship Lord Suryanarayana. The worker addresses Lord Suryanarayana and requests Him to enable the worker to leave Andromeda. Lord Suryanarayana told the worker- Get Ready, I shall burn your physical body soon and you must leave the atmosphere of this Earth quickly, before I leave!

This, the worker did, he meets Markendeya Maharishi and reports his work.           

The End.